Rome, Italy | |

Neomatrix awarded at BioinItaly Investment Forum

April 8, 2021 – Neomatrix was among the four start-ups awarded at the “BioinItaly Investement Forum & Intesa San Paolo start up initiative” in the Life Sciences sector, with a novel personalized approach to cancer treatment.

For over 13 years, BioinItaly has offered innovative biotechnology start-ups a training course and the opportunity to meet financial investors from all over the world. The 2021 edition was focused on three areas: Life Sciences, Circular Economy and Medical Devices.

Neomatrix, along with 9 other finalists, had access to the investment forum, where we had the opportunity to present our business idea to an international audience of over 200 financial investors, industry experts and business managers.

Neomatrix won the Lca - Stifel - Goodwin Award for a novel approach to cancer treatment (melanoma), which combined current immunotherapy with a personalized DNA-based vaccine delivered by electroporation –  the same platform as COVID-eVax, the COVID- 19 vaccine developed by the mother company Takis and currently in the phase I clinical trial. Preclinical data show that the combined approach had a significant impact on cancers that resist current immunotherapy and could prevent relapses in advanced metastatic cancers.

The market opportunity for our business idea could be worth up to € 1.7 billion over the next few years. Indeed, Neomatrix could be used as a therapeutic strategy in all third-line melanoma patients who resist current immunotherapy (ipilumab). Melanoma will provide a “proof of concept” and is only the first of many other curable cancers

The investment required to successfully complete a Phase II clinical trial is estimated at € 12 million. BioinItaly Investement Forum was a great opportunity for Neomatrix as we had the opportunity to network and seek funds to support our idea in a very stimulating and international environment.